Toss the Toxins: A Workshop to Help You Detox Your Home
“We should look closer to home as this is where we spend most of our time. Indoor air is more hazardous than outside air, particularly in young children and elderly.”
-Professor Peter Howarth- University of Southampton
Hi, I’m Katie. I am so glad that you’re here.
What’s in this workshop?
Request FREE Samples
of My Favorite Non-Toxic Cleaning Tools
These will be mailed to you so you can experience what you will learn about.
Why Toss the Toxins?
Not sure why you should make this a priority? Keep scrolling.
Common Barriers You May Face
Tossing the toxins can be overwhelming and against social norms. Learn how to make this simple.
Simple Solutions
I will show you products that will be both safe and simple for you and your entire family.
Do you (or anyone in your home) suffer from any of these common ailments?
If you answered yes, this workshop will be worth your time.
There are 85,000 different chemical ingredients that make up our household and personal care products.
Only 200 of them have ever been tested to see how they affect our health.
Take a look at the facts.
Disinfecting Wipes
Did You Know?
Common Barriers That May Come Up for You During this Process
Watch this video and just keep scrolling for the simple solutions!
Detoxing Your Home: 3 Simple Steps
Check Your Labels for CMR Substances
Throw Out Old Products You No Longer Want to Use
(the bathroom takes the longest!)
Switch to Safer Solutions
Step One...Check Your Labels
(and throw out anything with these ingredients)
Personal Care:
1,4-Dioxane • Acrylates • Benzophenones • BHA • BHT
Coal tar and derivatives • EDTA • Ethanolamines and their compounds
(MEA/DEA/TEA) • Formaldehyde and formaldehyde releasers • Heavy metals
(lead, mercury, antimony, arsenic, cadmium, chromium VI) • Hydroquinone
Parabens (all) Phthalates (all) • Sulfates (SLS and SLES) • Triclocarban • Triclosan
1,4-Dioxane • Ammonia • Chlorine • Ethylene oxide • Formaldehyde Heavy metals • Mineral oil • Optical brighteners • Phosphates • Parabens (all) Phthalates (all) • SLS • Volatile synthetic solvents • Triclosan
Norwex says “no” to using over 2,700 ingredients
The US government has said “no” to 11.
Norwex will NEVER use any CMR substances
Toxic to Reproduction
Ditch Anything with a Smell (I promise, it’ll be okay...)
Fragrance is one of the biggest endocrine disruptors and these chemicals sneak in so many products. Fragrance IS the new second-hand smoke.
They even sneak chemicals into your garbage bags!
Time to talk safer, more simpler solutions.
Did you know it was possible to get a better clean without chemicals? Watch this!
Which cleans better?
This video will show you the difference between mechanical cleaning vs. chemical cleaning. You won’t be able to un-see this!
Raw Chicken Demo
Norwex microfiber has been third-party studied to be able to remove 99% of bacteria and self-purify with Baclock. But THIS eye opening demo was the proof I needed to see that Norwex really cleans better.
Ready to Make the Switch? Meet the “Safe Haven 5”
The Safe Haven 5 comes with these 5 products...
(Your choice of liquid, powder, or strips)
The Envirocloth
Why is it better?
Why is it better?
The Dusting Mitt
Why is it better?
Cleaning Paste
Why is it better?
Norwex Laundry Detergent
Why is it better?
Last, but not least...THE MOP!
Why is it better?
Now that you know better...what will you choose to do next?
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Request a referral link with me.
Invite your friends to learn a better way + share this link with those who say yes.
When they shop, you earn credit to spend on your own Norwex.
Start with Collections
Safe Haven 5 Collection
Safe Haven Package Plus (Safe Haven 5 + body cloths & kitchen cloth/towel set, sponges)
Just Add Water (no paste + mop, rubber brush, & dryer balls)
Want more info? My LIVE Norwex Demo (43 minutes)